Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Some Great Videos for Grandparents & Others Who May Obsess Over the Boys...

Ok, I admit it. I seemingly always have laundry piles mid-fold on my couch. I may get five loads done in a day, but I seem to always stop at least one load short of finishing the folding/ putting away process. It's embarrassing, but it's life- for me at least. Try to ignore it and watch the funny kiddos.

My Firemen, with a race track fire hose.

When Gabe's throwing a fit, he DOES NOT LIKE pictures being taken of him. In this video he keeps saying, "No pictures!" while continuing his tantrum. Watch the next video for part B- it's the BEST.

PART B of "the fit." It gets funnier!

(A few nights ago Matt was making the boys laugh by scowling at Gabe and shouting, "Tell me your name!" Can't remember why this was so funny, but Gabe played along and refused to say his name, only responding with "Nope!" So then Matt and Jes started calling him "Nope.") Here Jesse catches a Nope.

More mood swings from Gabe... this is funny.


Emily said...

I love that I am not the only one who orders my kids to stop "crying".

Heidi said...

How fun is it to see some of your family time...those boys are just adorable!!