I found some time to email the folks about what's up lately, and I don't have time to rewrite it so I'm just pasting a copy here. Enjoy!
First, we got "GrandmaGrandpa" box #1 a few minutes ago, so thank you! It was (as always) a big hit. Jesse was surprisingly patient as I gave each boy his own items. Gabe was too lazy to finish unwrapping his water toy so he was just playing with it through the hole in the tissue paper. No problem, Jesse was more than willing to help. Jes wanted to play with it but I told him it was Gabey's, and strangely he gave it back and returned to his own gifts. What a good boy!
And now, here are a couple of Jesse's latest stunts that I found amusing:
After we finished unloading the goodies and J had given everything a satisfactory examination, he asked where his stool was and wandered off looking for it. I watched him out of the corner of my eye and shouted to him, "What are you doing, Jes?" There was some hesitation, and then a quiet, "...somepin'..." So I asked again, louder this time, "What are you doing, Jes?" Then came the much stronger response, "Nothin'!" I listened closely and heard a victorious, but whispered, "Sharps!" (meaning scissors) so I told him to put them back, and he wasn't happy but he complied and went on a search for his own sharps (the plastic pincher things from a used doctor's kit he got for Christmas- best dollar I ever spent). I insisted he clean up the three bins of toys in the front room and after that I would help him find his sharps. With a little coaxing he was done in no time and I got the pinchers for him, not even really thinking about what he wanted them for. Turned out he just wanted to open another box that had arrived in the mail with the first one. It was just a replacement inflatable punching bag for the one that came with his boxing kit. Anyway I found it remarkable that he patiently went through all those steps and stayed focused on his goal of opening the box. His mind seems to develop at the speed of light.
This morning we sang Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree (always a hit) and then launched into Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, and every time I finished the "toes" part, Jes would insert, "AND PENIS!" Apparently I was leaving out the most important part. Pardon me.
Last night I had heard some snipit of something interesting from Sean Hannity and I missed the rest, so while the kids ate I logged on to find out what I missed. Jes climbed up beside me and pointed to Hannity's picture and said, "What's that?" so I told him, "That's Sean Hannity," and he's all, "Sean Hantie?" I told him, "That's right," and he asked a million more times and of course got the same answer. Then I opened my email and for the next hour at least,-well beyond the time I finished with the computer- he kept asking me, "Where Sean Hantie go?" It was hilarious! This, he can pronounce after hearing it for the first time. But when it's time to be held? Well he needs a "Fwa."
A bit ago he finished using the potty and while I wiped him and for five minutes afterward he pranced around the house, triumphantly singing, "Pooooooo chocolate, Poooooooooo chocolate!" [That's his term for the Little Debbie treats he gets when he goes #2 on the potty. I should mention, too, that I haven't changed a dirty diaper of his since maybe a week ago, on the first day he wore "Big boy underpants like Daddy's." Awesome!]
As I was writing this J, was sitting at the table eating the last of the Cheese Nips, and when he'd polished them off he looked in the box and said so casually, "Crackers all gone. Mama eat 'em all." What the crap?!!!! I had a total of like 8 since the thing was opened! Ughhh! Not lovin' his new habit of blaming me for all food consumption. Seriously, kid...
Jes also has a fascination with the "pocket" as he calls it, it the front of his big boy underwear. I told him what it's for and he decided to - uh...(guess I'll just say it) pull "it" through the "pocket" and proceed to sit down and try to pee. Um, not quite, kid. Perhaps I didn't explain it right; now what? In the end I told him to forget the pocket; his dad could teach him about it when he gets home.
Oh, and the water toy you sent for Gabe? Not a water toy at all. J's playing with it while G's sleeping, and it turns out the toy is actually a train. Chugga-choo-choo sound effects and all, as it rides the perimeter of the coffee table.
That's about it for now I guess!
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