Saturday, May 17, 2008

Pictures: Garden, Bath, Tornado

Our Garden!Dirt Face Gabey

Tire Thumb.

Like some nostril-flaring monster- Run!

Dad SWEARS Gabey can do this.
And he's got the all important toy car, so why not?

Mother's Day tornado, just a couple miles from our house. We were in the car when Matt's fire radio sounded, so we went with him. We waited in the car while he treated the injured.

Driving to the other side of the destruction
to help search houses for more people

This was a huge grain silo from a farm a couple blocks away. Before the storm it had been full. It was lying next to the spot where we waited in the car while Matt worked. We were there till dark, so we weren't able to get pics of the overturned houses and rubble everywhere. We'd seen all that when we first arrived, before we realized we had the camera with us.

That night at our house (which was completely intact, thank Heaven!)

He tried to move in the heavy gear and fell backward.

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