Thursday, May 15, 2008

Goodies for Grandparents:

These are a bit outdated but I wanted to post them before putting up new ones. (Maybe a bit dull for those who don't worship my kids, as with most of my posts...)

Outside the Barber shop
Short Stuff

I think I'm in love.

Inside the Barber shop-
Note: It's an inside joke that Matt wears beer hats. The guys at work think it's hilarious for him to wear them cause he doesn't drink, so of course when we find a cool one that's cheap we buy it. I know, very classy.

Jes saw Carlie and Rosemary approaching so he ran to the street to walk them in.

Old videos:

Notice our beautiful yard, hopelessly cluttered with Man toys (clay pigeon thrower, etc), and boy toys (plastic crap). We're real southerners now...

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