Jesse, Jesse, Jesse...
Our firstborn son now tries to pick up his hefty brother by the arm. A few days ago in fact, Jes pulled Gabe out onto the front porch using that very method. Another of his latest stunts is using a bubble wand to brush his teeth in the shower. He even uses toothpaste. And this morning while I was showering, Jesse sneaked into the bathroom and ran himself a bath. Unfortunately, he only used the hot water knob. I heard his screams and ran to his rescue. Thankfully, we have the water heater set to where it will hurt, but not scald. Before he cried out, I hadn't heard a thing; no clue he was even in there. Seriously. This worries you too, right? Anyway...
Jesse has a deep appreciation for round cereal. You read that right- round cereal. This includes Trix (which has changed from fruit shapes back to little spheres) and anything of the Crunchberry variety. He calls them "balls." Just think of it, "Mom! I want some Balls! Give me some Balls! Man, I love BALLS!" You catch my drift? I know, grow up. I just can't.
This next one is sure to impress. My cunning child, now 26 months old, pulled one over on the whole family the other night. Gabe was cranky. Matt was extremely tired. I'd had a long day and needed an hour to myself. I ran a bath and read my book for a while. While I was doing this, Jesse proposed to Matt that it was time to go to bed- (A first for Jesse. We should have known). Matt happily agreed, and got the baby to sleep, then laid down with Jesse for the night, knowing I'd join them when I was done reading. A half hour went by, and I heard the doorknob turn. Naked, Jesse walked in, saying simply, "Bath," and started to climb into the tub. I could hear Matt snoring in the bed. I put Jesse in the tub, leaving the door open so I could see him from the bed, and woke Matt to tell him what had happened. Apparently Jesse had wanted to join me earlier and Dad said no, so he came up with this plan. That's my boy. Matt sat up, and from the bathtub we heard an angelic and quite innocent, "Good morning, Daddy!" We laughed so hard we woke the baby, and everybody was up for the night. At midnight. Took three hours to get everyone down again. How cute.
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