Monday, May 14, 2007

Matt's Gonna Kill Me, But...

Okay, so Matt is currently in a position to be eating a lot of seriously spicy food, and not much else. Now, all the time I've known him he has been fighting a fierce battle against heartburn. Poor guy. Well, the stuff he's been consuming lately has apparently brought it on like nothing before. He says the regular stuff like Tums doesn't even touch it, but he has discovered through desperation that popping vast amounts of Mentos somehow provides some substantial relief. I guess the other day he was sitting down to eat and decided to get ahead of the game and pop a couple before his meal. Unfortunately he didn't realize until after swallowing the Mentos that his stomach was completely empty, except for a half a Diet Coke he had just downed. Now for those of us who don't already know, the explosive effects of Mentos mixed with Diet Coke have been published and filmed countless times due to the, shall we say shock and awe they inspire. You guessed it. Matt knew immediately he had just made a rather regretable mistake. Luckily what followed was not as severe as it could have been had he ingested bigger portions. I am happy to announce (brag, really) that for once I was not there for the unpleasantness (violent and powerful gas, and probably more) to which he was damned for who knows how long after the ordeal. The world finally shows some mercy. (For more on the Diet Coke/ Mentos phenomenon, I highly recommend visiting and doing a search for video footage if you haven't already seen it.) Loads of fun.

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