Monday, May 14, 2007

Finally an Awnser to the Mystery of the Missing Sock

I would never have guessed it; neither would you. We're all familiar with the age old question: What happens to the other sock? It's one of laundry's oldest perplexities. Well this morning I was witness to a vision in which I found the answer.
Jesse, my strange, screwy child... We were watching Happy Feet for the forty-seventh time this morning and I was feeding the baby when I looked over and saw something interesting. Jesse was walking over to my pile of clean laundry and picking out socks. He then would take these socks over to the couch, select a throw pillow, unzip it, insert the socks, and zip it back up. He was very methodical about it, really. (See, this is why I sometimes just watch without letting him know. I've learned quite a bit in my time spent this way.) So there it is, folks. Check your couch pillows; find the answers to your sock-pairing prayers. Dare to dream. Sometimes miracles just happen! Although, I have to say, the average kid may not be as... special(?) as mine, and maybe you should just check beneath your washing machine.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Donna you always make me laugh! How did the carrots taste? I am now trying to locate my old sofa and love seat. I have to know if that is where all our missing socks are! They had an oak frame and blue cushions. Has anyone seen them? I love looking at my handsome grandsons! I am excited to see new pictures of the boys and read of your adventurous days with them! Love you all and miss you lots.