Summer hosted a baby shower for me on Saturday before church conference, and it was so great! So much hard work went into the details; the food was incredible, the decor was beautiful, and the game was hilarious! It was a Pregnancy Memory matching game, and here are the matches and prizes as I remember them- (this is great)- pay attention to the details here:
*OB/GYN- Butterfinger (Eew!)
*COLIC- Double Bubble gum
*SEX- Good & Plenty
*SLEEP- Now & Later
*PENIS- Whatchamacallit
It was SO FUNNY! There were more but I can't remember the rest. The picture I got of Summer with the game was not very good, and I wish I'd taken more of the whole event. If any of you ladies who attended have pics, could you please email me copies? It was such a great day! Thank you Summer and everyone who helped out/ came by! And thank you all for the awesome gifts. I appreciate it so much. Any chance to party with these girls is not to be missed!
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