Saturday, January 10, 2009

I Know He's Hot, But Has the Whole World Gone Crazy?

Ok, is it just people in... "Matt's industry" (we'll call it) or have average people become this appalling? He went to the dentist the other day and the dental assistant (or whatever) expressed her interest in him. No problem. He's hot, I know that. The girl's only human. But when she invited him to her place for booze and fun he replied, I guess, with something to the effect of, "That's really not how my wife and kids and I like to spend our time, but thank you." So as she scraped the plaque off his teeth she boldly went on with, "Well why don't you just come. I've got lots to drink and it would be just us. You know, it's my own place. I don't have roommates or anything."
Wow. How romantic. I know tooth scum and talk of anonymous, drunken sex always turn me on. What are people thinking? He said it was really awkward that she just kept pushing it, he kept saying no, and they still had to finish the session. The strangest part, to me, is not that she clearly didn't mind the fact that he had a WIFE and FAMILY, but that this is far from the first time it's happened. Sluts- I mean girls- around here are so ruthless. I was actually there once when he was hit on by someone who didn't care that he was married, or that I was present for the propositioning. He gets waitresses and 12-year-olds swooning over him all the time, and I consider that one of the millions of funny things to tease him about. Recently the neighbor girl (who loves Matt) had a friend over, and they walked up to chat. The friend was twirling her hair with both hands and slowly rotating from side to side while she gave Matt the eyes and said, "So, are you really on the fire department?" When he confirmed- (trying to stifle a busted-gut), she replied, "Wowwww." (Then, still shifting and twirling) "So have you ever like, saved like twelve people from a burning house??" This time he all-out laughed and said no, but he was involved in such and such fire back on whatever road last week- (he couldn't finish cause he was interrupted with a screeching) "OHMYGOSH!! THAT'S RIGHT BY MY BUS STOP!!!!" The awe continued to ooze from her, and I had to pretend I was laughing at something the boys were doing.
So it's one thing when little girls ogle him, but grown whores- I mean women- who continue to hit on him once he's actually verbalized his marital status? Why does this happen so frequently? Tell me there are still decent females out there, and for some reason we're just living in the vortex of hookers, among the world's most desperate.


Anonymous said...

I think the whole world has just become that desperate. It happens to Jacob all the time also. He will be at a house working, and what ever "female" may be there is all swooning over that fact that he knows how to fix things. And like you, it's not just women his age. I mean we are ranging so far from 15 to like 65. And the 65 year old had her dieing husband in the next room!! So I totally feel you on this. It is pathetic. Go get your own, this one is taken!!!

Kleanteeth said...

We're in that vortex too. Apparently it's eaten the whole East side of town. Some hookery chick smashed her big, hanging of her tank top boys right on top of Ben's folded arms and cornered him. What gets me is the subtle nature of such women.

Katey said...

You ARE living in the vortex of hookers, among the world's most desperate. And I love that your are so secure that you laugh about it! I miss you guys. Any luck with that transfer?!?!?

Heidi said...

LOVE this post!! She sounds like Matt's last dental assistant....I wouldn't be surprised!! Thanks for the great laugh!!

Dylan + Belen Yettick said...

I'm sorry to say its sad but true about the hookers...:( But I'll have to say it was probably the Dental Hygienist that was propositioning him. :( I notice it quite often myself. Most commonly teenage girls that are driving along beside us in the car. Not fun! Good luck!